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Old 04-29-2005, 01:12 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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Location: Mtn Home Idaho
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came across a badger this evening. shot was taken from 170yds. i was laying level with the badger as he was laying flat over his hole lookin at me with his head up..

. bullet entering in the cheast and when back through his boddy some where and didnt exit. he killed over instanly. there was no blood from the entrance wound. but insides felt and sounded like theyd gone through a meat grinder.

im realy startn to wonder about these 100gr core lokts. seems i should be getting exit wounds out of most varmits. with badgers being the exscepting because there so thick skinned and tough.

even the majority of the crows and the coyotes ive shot have all held the bullet inside exscept for the one cyote.

id almost be tempted to call this bullet a coyote pelt bullet. pass throoughs are rare and when it has exited its not blowing big holes.

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