any one else shooting any varmits.?????????
today was pretty good day. first trip out in the pete i missed a coyote at around 300yds. he was moving away from me in half run half trot. kinda cussedd myself for that.
3rd run out i spot a badger at guestimated 200yds. got the 2506 layed on the bipods. and watched it for awhile waitn for a shot. finnaly it gave me shoot and the 2506 did its job. i head of pacn to it, when i got to 200yds away i realize wow ive got quite alot further to go.
i get to the land mark i shot the badger at and it wasnt there. i start wondering if i missed. i didnt see this hit for some reason but ive come to know the sound it makes when the little 100gr bulllet strikes home. woooop.
so i look around some more still dont find it. then finaly i see my land mark but realize it wasnt it because i was shooting from higher elevation. farther i go. and finaly i find him. i shot him right in the armpit behindd the shoulder kinda low. theres where my 3"s of drop is at 300. pretty lucky i didnt miss. if id of held on his back or just below the back id of hit central mass in the shoulder. lucckly the the 2506 is kinda a flat shooter
this bullet did exit but with no dramitic wounds. just alittle blood comeing out of the exit wound. same 100gr core lokt. so finaly i have exit wound on badger with fairly stout bullet. havent been getn exit wounds at close ranges.
finaly get done messn with the badger and decide im going to go off to where i last saw the coyote i missed early today. theres a big messa with gradual bowl in the middle of it. i walked up there and spotted what i thought was coyote that walked above and out of my view.
i head up there thinking coyote but run into 3 antelope. hmmmmm they often look like coyotes from a distance. this thought didnt barely roll through my head when i see the coyote he was hanging out around the antelope.
they coyote sees me and is headed out the antelope dont mind to much. soon as he was out of view i run up to the top of the bute and look down into the bowl. bipod legs already down , im now at the top where i can lay down and glass hopefully getn a shot.
thats just what happend. id had him spotted even before i got layed down. as i was getn a bead on him he stopped and looked back. blasted him. it only turned out to be alittle less than 100yds
bullet didnt exit this coyote either. but did exit the badger at 300. hmmmmmmm
thats all for tonight.
ohh almost forgot. shot somewhere round 10 whislte pigs with the 10/22