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Old 05-17-2005, 07:28 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Illinois-NW
Posts: 702
Thumbs up That was good Foto!

I believe I had seen parts of that clip on some cable show a couple of years ago and got a good laugh of it then. Fortunately, I am not that whacked (as a SW fan )

My brother works as a graphic artist and has done charity benefits (juvenile diabetes, etc.) for the last couple of Star Wars films in conjunction with local radio stations so he has received our tickets awhile ago. We just have to sit in line for our seats-which isn't completely bad considering a local rental company will be dropping off a supply of Lazy Boy recliners and a host of local restaurants will be catering. (Heck the only thing missing is a TV and remote and it'll be just like home!)

There is typically Star Wars trivia games going on and toy lightsabre duels for the kids along with prizes. It's fun for the kids. I wonder if the PG-13 rating for this particular film will curtail the kids any.

I don't dress in costume other than a SW baseball cap, much to my brothers chagrin but oh well. Should be fun.
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