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Old 05-18-2005, 01:34 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Location: Troy, MI
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I'm relatively new to concealed carry, but I have done it enough to know that I HATE those holsters with the clips on 'em....give me something with belt loops! I like strong side, IWB carry, and right now I am using a Don Hume leather holster for my S&W M39. For my Colt Det. Special, I found a BIanchi 3S holster and so far I am has the thumb break that Adam mentioned, and I am finding that I like that feature, as well as the belt loop. The holster can also be rotated a few degrees forward or back to suit your individual preference. I like this holster so much I will probably get one for my Walther PPk/s as well.
For my 1911 in .38 Super, I'm looking at purchasing a Milt Spark's summer special......kinda pricy, but worth the $ from what I hear....and I have yet to see a bad review of thier holsters.
If your dog thinks that your the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!
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