Thread: Big Pig..
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Old 05-18-2005, 07:49 AM
PerG PerG is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: denmark
Posts: 3

I think that the fish you are thinking of is the one called bullshead or miller's thumb. I've out a link to a site that describes this fish. A bit strange looking

But if you like to fish, I can suggest up north by the volga river. I know a guy who caught a catfish over 100kg (220lb). Saw a video he recorded himself during a fishing trip. As far as I was told, that area is a breeding ground for catfish and once a year, they all go there to breed.

But personally, I prefere hunting. But it's always fun to combine it with fishing. If you get your trophy within the first few days, you can always fish a bit to spend some time
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