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Old 05-27-2005, 09:32 PM
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TreeDoc TreeDoc is offline
Pain In The Ass
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 4,388
Cool stuff, Cap'n!

I may have mentioned this in the past but I have 2 contacts with P51-D's. My next door trailer neighbor at my Duck Club owns one up in the San Francisco Bay area. I'm squeezing him for a ride!

If you follow Unlimited Class Air Racing then you know Bill "Tiger" DeStephanie. He has been the King of Unlimited Air Racing for years in the "Strega" which is a modified P51. His aunt and uncle (his uncle Elmo recently passed) who are co-owners in a very large family farming operation near Bakersfield, CA are customers of mine here on the central coast. Bakersfield is 90 nautical miles due east of my location and occasionally Strega would fly over here to the Pismo Beach area with a few other less modified P51's and tear up the sky over the beach for 15 minutes or so and then tear off to the east enroute home. The sound was incredible.

I almost forgot....I'm a California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo Alumni and it's a very agriculture related school. Our Ag Engineering department participates heavily in Tractor Pull Competition and we have a tractor with the Rolls Royce Merlin engine. It sounds just like the airplane when it hauls ass down the dirt track!
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