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Old 06-27-2005, 12:37 AM
Mickey Rat Mickey Rat is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Dothan, Alabama 36305
Posts: 81
Long ago in the Dark Ages before all the current carry ammo was available, we rolled our own.

My carry piece for 17 years was a Charter Arms stainless steel 38 stubbie in an ankle holster.

My carry ammo was 148 grain hollowbase wadcutters loaded backwards. This gave the look of Hydro Shock without the center post.

At moderate speeds this was very accurate and opened well at the lower stubbie speeds. I was completely comfortable with this load.

I tried it on rabbits a few times and it was devistating.

Ever heard of a "Junkyard Dog" load?

For a 44 MAG you use a 30-40 Kraig case cut to fit full length of cylinder. Trim case head to fit recessed cylinder. Use powder load for 240 gr bullet, but use a gascheck as an over powder wad, then use copper or aluminum wire pieces 3/8-1/4 inch long stacked and topped with another gascheck.

Results must be seen to be believed. Featured in Guns magazine back in the early 80's. You can literally shread and nail a snake to a tree. Some pieces hit sideways, some hit point first.
Mickey Rat
Citizen of Alabama
NRA Life Member
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