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Old 07-11-2005, 10:17 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
Join Date: Aug 1974
Location: York, Pa.
Posts: 1,366
Question How's everyones garden coming?

My lettuce is done. Made a first timers mistake and planted too much at one time. So I had about 20 heads that were all ripe at the same time. The peas and string beans are starting to come due. Made the mistake of thinking I could cook them like store bought veggies. A minute in the microwave doesn't do it for fresh stuff.

Made the mistake of planting too many carrots as well. Thinned them and hope the rest grow carrots bigger than an inch or two.

On one side of the garden the weeds are horrendous. Not sure why only on one side. Maybe because it is more shader than the other? About once a week I have to go out and pick the weeds by hand.

The tomatoes are starting to come out and the brocolli and cabbage plants are pretty big. Some of the corn is almost as tall as I am. How's everyone else doing?
__________________ mistake, make that 4 coffins...
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