A rabbit found a way through the fence and all but decimated my peas and pole beans. The peas are recovering. The rabbit and the pole beans will not recover.
I have lettuce and radishes aplenty and will all summer. Peas will be three weeks untill they start producing. Yellow bush beans will be producing in a month or less.
I have perpetual spinach that is just maturing and if I don't dig them up they will produce all winter if it doesn't get too cold.
Everbearing strawberries are just starting to slow down. Asparagus is finished. Spagetti and acorn squash and cucumbers are a couple months away.
The wife's flowers are just starting to bloom in earnest.
That waskalwy wabbit was the only problem this year. Also provided a little excitement in the way of slow season hunting too. It all balances out in the end.
I used "Roundup" on the garden this year before I tilled it and it made a huge difference in the weeds. It doesn't leave a toxic residue either.