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Old 07-12-2005, 07:27 AM
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M.T. Pockets M.T. Pockets is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
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I picked the last of the peas Sunday, the string beans are about half done. Great crop. The potatoes, carrots, onions look like a bumper crop too. The vine crops are blossoming and setting, looks like a lot of melons, zuchini and pumpkins. My wife likes about 10 pumpkins to cook up and freeze for pies. I don't can anything, just freeze it & stack it up.

My garden is right by the shooting range, so I can shoot a group, go hoe weeds. Shoot a group, fertilize. Shoot a group, water....

My wife came up with a great idea and it worked. We planted the entire perimeter of the garden with a row of peas. We had no intention of ever harvesting this row, it was designed as a fence to keep the rabbits out. She figured if the rabbits come along the garden and find peas right away, they'd just eat them and stay out of the rest of the garden. It worked, the rabbits about cleaned out this outside row and they never bothered the inside. Now come fall, I'm going to try to hunt down those fat rabbits and make some stew along with the vegetables in the garden they were feeding by.
"Watch your top knot."
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