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Old 07-14-2005, 10:04 PM
McPat McPat is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Kewanee, IL
Posts: 249
We harvested the last of the peas last week. The first batch of beans are about done too, but we're going to try to go for three batches. I tried to plant carrots, oregano, rosemary, and parsley, but for some reason none of it came up. I tried three times, but to no avail. The basal came up though. The spinach and lettuce were great. I'll probably plant another batch of each in another month or so. The Spaghetti squash, zuccini, and cucumbers are doing great. The peppers aren't doing so well, but I hope to get a few anyhow. Tomaotes are comming on strong now and I put in 400 onions that are doing well. Some rain would be good though. I have been watering a little, but the city announced that the water rates were going up 60%. (Sould have bought some bonds). I guess it's a typical year, some bounty, some disappointment. The best thing about the garden is working it with the kids and the pride on their faces when we start to reap the bounty!
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