Originally posted by Jonesy
I can't believe that another year has past and the rally is here again. People are already pouring in and vendors are scrambling to get set up. We are still a couple of weeks away from the rally, but it is already getting more difficult to get around in town. This will be my 38th Sturgis rally and races. I kind of cheated though, I was born and raised in Sturgis.
Growing up, the Rally was a couple thousand hard core bikers camping on the East end of the City park. Now it's hundreds of thousands all over the Northern Black Hills. There are still a few hard core bikers, but for the most part it's a yuppie convention.
I just hope If I get arrested for having too much fun that it's from a friend. I know that Nulle will be watching for me! One of these days the Chief is not going to let me go while shaking his head. You only get so many get out of jail free cards. But, the rally only comes once a year and I don't get into trouble otherwise. The local cops take me with a grain of salt and the part-timers take me literally, to jail that is! Haaa Haaa Haaaa!
Man it is hard to believe it has been another year since Nulle was talking about the Rally. I hope you have fun and don't get locked up for too long