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Old 08-09-2005, 07:02 PM
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Rocky Raab Rocky Raab is offline
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I personally think that a 243 (or 6mm) is an expert's deer rifle: fine for the calm, cool and GOOD shot but not for the inexperienced.

Almost any .25 is almost perfect for deer. Some wouldn't believe that such a small difference in bore diameter would matter much, but the quarter bores are proven reliable deer killers.

Moderate cartridges in 270, 7mm and 30 are also perfect. I'm talking 7-30, 30-30, 300 Savage and the like here - up to about the 30-06. Larger than that is okay, but maybe a bit more than needed.

Some of the old-time rounds are also wonderful: 32-40, 38-55, 45-70 for example.

I think if I were shopping for a new, mild-recoiling but deadly deer rifle in a traditional caliber today, I'd be looking at a 250 Savage, a 257 Roberts or a 7-08/7mm Mauser. If I wanted some new creation, a 25 WSSM or that short 6.8 Rem SPC.
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