ummmmm i shot a short barrreld ruger compact in 7mm08, id compare its recoil to my 22" barreld 270.
i think if it were me and it more then likly will be someday, ill go with 257rob in a 22" barrel sporter model in any of the bolt actions, probly a ruger or remington. actualy ill bump that to either a 257 or 2506.
that way that will get him or her hunting deer with me then we can step into 30cal later on for elk or one of my rifles in 270 or 3006 will be used when the time came, but there would never be any reason to get rid of the 257 cal. itl work for life time on all deer sized game and is right at home chaseing smaller critters
at about 10 or 11 i was shooting my 270win the same one i have now. the rifle killed my first deer first elk and first everything else.
one bad thing is the rifle is a lighter weight 22" model 78 rem(700 adl) basicaly. i bet i spent 3 years or so working myself away from the flinch id grown into. but this flinch was worked out with my 22/250 22lr and 2506.
the flinch is bad thing and id avoid it all costs. even if youve got to drive aways to shoot the 7mm08 in compact rifle.
good luck