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Old 08-18-2005, 03:28 PM
Cossack Cossack is offline
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Detroit Lakes, MN
Posts: 226
JC Penny Rifle

I had a JC Penny rifle when I was a kid, the one that was tube fed, with a 2 piece stock and retractable red sling, that fired all 3 just fine. In fact it held 25 shorts. But my Winchester mod 77 didn't feed shorts even tho it had a tube. Im guessing it took more force to blow back the bolt in the Winy. because the action spring was much stronger.
One thing I have noticed shooting shorts out of my Contender and several bolt guns is that they dirty up the chamber ahead of the lands making insertion and extraction of the longer cartridges difficult prior to shooting them..
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