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Old 08-19-2005, 05:17 PM
model 70 model 70 is offline
O' Conner fan
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Sacramento, Ca
Posts: 662
Back to the basics:sighting in

ok, this i may need some help on. the goal is finding the ammo my gun will shoot the best for deer hunting.

pick one type of ammo at first. sight in at the 100 yard mark. fire a 3 or 5 shot grouping. after the first shot, see where your bullets hits. up and to the left? no problem. when you fire off your 3 or 5 shot group and notice all the holes are touching(i could only be so lucky ) adjust "up" or "down", left to right until you can land all your 3 or 5 shots in the middle(or where ever you're aming).

is that about right?
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