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Old 08-23-2005, 12:45 PM
Adirondacks Adirondacks is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Up Yonder
Posts: 108
Sounds right but if the goal is to find
the best ammo for your gun I wouldn't
worry to much about the adjusting
up or down till you run through all
the candidate ammo. Once you are
on the paper I'd shoot a group of
three or so with a couple different
brands and weights to see which
groups best. Remember to try the
different bullet weights for the calibre
that you are using. It often is this
that the rifle will be the most finickey

With a hunting weight barrel I wouldn't
shoot to many because you are probubly gonna start stringing
shots because of
the barrel getting hot.

Once you settle on the best brand then
just go slow. Shoot a few shots each
trip to the range (maybe 10 total) and
fine tune it. Make about 8 or 10 trips
to the range doing this each time and
walking the distance out each time and
you'll get it right on.

Remember to check out the point blank
range of whatever calibre you are
shooting. For most deer rounds you will
want to be about an inch high at 100
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