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Old 08-25-2005, 11:13 AM
Adirondacks Adirondacks is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Up Yonder
Posts: 108
Originally posted by model 70
ok, in .270win and an inch high at 100yds, where abouts will i be hitting at say...10-30yds?
Exactly. For most hunting rounds around
just shy of 3000 feet per second at the
barrel. Dead on at 25 yards is about
an inch high at 100. It will usually be
cross line of sight again mid to high
200's and be 4 inches low depending on
the round at somewhere around 300 yds.

The goal is to get a trajectory that never
goes above 4 inches over line of sight.
4 inches being the vital zone of a deer
size game animal. This means that out to
reasonable distances you can aim dead
on and hit the vitals of the animal. No
adjusting for drop is needed.
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