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Old 08-25-2005, 03:56 PM
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Rocky Raab Rocky Raab is offline
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Not to pick nits, but it does depend on the scope's height above the bore.

If the scope center is about 1.5 inches above the bore center, MOST deer calibers will shoot to cross the line of sight at 20-25 yards, be somewhere near center at 100 yards, and cross the line of sight again (dropping) at 225 or so.

Note the qualifiers "most", "about" and "somewhere". Dozens of factors affect trajectory, so precise predictions are impossible. Every shooter has to determine how his gun shoots with his ammo (and in one condition of weather, off one rest, at one altitude and so forth...)

BUT: if most shooters would sight their standard deer rifles to hit 2.5 inches high at 100 yards, they could "aim at hair, never air" for 99% of all shots at deer.
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