Thread: Rem 700 BDL
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Old 08-31-2005, 06:10 AM
Andy L Andy L is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Eldon Mo
Posts: 1,916
New deal. $400 and Ill pay shipping and FFL on my end. You may have $20 or so FFL on your end.

Guys this is a heck of a coyote rifle. I have just found another project I want, like right now, before fur primes up. Im going to go ahead on it, but my wife warned me that something has to go soon as well. I dont blame her. I have bought alot of guns lately.

Anyway, its a great gun. I got the load data it likes and will thow in some loaded ammo.

And, if you want a scope, I will stick on a Simmons ATech, 2.8x10 on it for $450 or a Swift 4x12 for $500. Both scopes are cheap at that price. The Swift has a lifetime warranty. Take it to any Swift dealer and its warranty on the spot.

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