Now that I've chosen my handgun purchase, I want a rifle. I have a .270win to handle all my G.P. deer hunting, my spot and snipe black bear hunting aswell as my looooooong range varminting. I want something with MORE POWER. I don't want the cost of a magnum bolt rifle and expensive scope. I'll buy that when I have a hunt that truely calls for it. So what now you ask? lever gun.
I've been mulling it over. Seems no matter how you dress it up, I just can't get excited about the ol' 30-30. Not big enough to be considered "Big Bore". Not fast enough to write home about. Mediocre bullet weights and even less impressive speeds with "basic" knockdown power. Don't get me wrong, I got nothing against it. I know it's history and that's fine.
I want something that pushes a big slow bullet which in turn pushes over what I'm shooting at

.45/70govt.? .444Marlin? .450Marlin?
Aside from the majore ammo makers Buffalo Bore makes some impressive rounds for these. I don't handload btw. Soooooo...what advantage does one have over the other in factory loadings? Of course I'll be going with Marlin as far as rifle.
Thanks for your help.