Thread: More decisions
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Old 08-31-2005, 09:38 PM
model 70 model 70 is offline
O' Conner fan
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Sacramento, Ca
Posts: 662
Varminting takes up about 5% of my shooting/hunting time and by varminting I mean jacks, foxes, coyotes and the occasional ground squirrel I spot sunning on an old slab or log. The .270 win fits my hunting needs for all I care to hunt regularly(deer, bear, pigs). The 25/06 is too much of an in-between cartridge.

Out here we have thick conferous forests broken up with old clear cuts. The clear cuts are where I see 75% of the deer I wanna shoot. The .270win reaches out and tips 'em aswell as that '06 you shoot.

Recoil doesn't bother me. In fact, in the same rifle I doubt I could tell the different between pushing a 120gr. slug from your 25/06 or a 130gr. slug from my .270win

The gun I am considering would be a little more ideal for chasing hounds and killing black bears in trees or jumping bucks in the thick stuff.

Some day I'll buy myself a .223rem

Not this time though.

Make more sense now???
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