just dont knock it till youve tried it. identical barrel lenths and rifles the 2506 is all together difrent critter.
for those deer in the bush the 270 does great and also reaches across the clearcuts that are only a matter of a few paces away.
id hate to be in position say 350yds couldnt get closer and my 4570 was all i had. not saying the lever couldnt make the shot. but me with lever gun open sited at that kinda range would make things tough.
id belly crawl through poisin ivy to get closer before i ever tried a site like that while packn slug lobber..
on the other hand i think the 44mag is cool round and ive always had want for a ruger bolt action chamberd so. but i realy have no use for the caliber in bolt action rifle , i just think it would be cool. and i make an opurtunity ti take an deer or possibly elk with it and im positive it would kill some varmits.
so i can see where your comeing from.
but we are kinda on two difrent sides of the fence. my hunting revolves 90% around varmiting big game is less than 2 months out of the year. and it even lends its self to varmit hunting traits. kinda answer your question of why have a 16power target dot scope on my 270 for this season.