Thread: Tattoos
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Old 09-02-2005, 08:05 PM
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TreeDoc TreeDoc is offline
Pain In The Ass
Join Date: Dec 1969
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I'm Old School. I considered one when in the Navy. If you were commisioned it couldn't be below the shoulder where it was visible below the sleeve. Enlisted could have one on the forearm and I think that was it. I decided against but have nothing against a tat that's there for something as significant as a military accomplishment or just plain "Mom" on the shoulder.

I have really come to dislike the modern tatties that so many feel they have to have. Come to me for employment, if your all tattied up on your neck, arms, or where it's really visible then you won't be getting a job from me. My clientel are usually old school as well and I won't have a prison lookin' tatboy on my crew scaring my clients. Body adornments like earrings, nose rings, titty rings, eyebrow rings, tongue rings...dang, give me a call, I'll buy you a one way plane ticket to frikkin' Outer Sabobia or somewhere so you can run around half naked with the "tribe" you think you belong to....this is America and American Culture...grow up!

You can go through life with a "it's my body" attitude but you better expect to hit some walls when you live live in a society where that stuff is marginally acceptable.

On women? That just plain makes me puke!

You asked!

Last edited by TreeDoc; 09-03-2005 at 12:10 AM.
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