Thread: Tattoos
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Old 09-02-2005, 08:44 PM
carl carl is offline
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Fredericksburg,Ohio
Posts: 135
I'm a little older than some of you and always wanted to get a tattoo.I got my 1st one at age 36 about 20 years ago.Now I have them on both upper arms and on my back.As tree doc said if they show some people get turned off by them and don't really give you a chance to see if you are a freak or just a ordinary good old boy that wanted a tattoo.With the location mine are no problem covering up.IMHO a tattoo isnt going to tell you whether a person is good or bad.However 1st impressions to an employer could keep you from proving your worth.
As far as piercings I have coworkers and friends with earrings and various piercings but I never saw anthing I wanted.
I guess my view is different than tree doc about girls with them.I like to see them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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