I disagree with Catfish. I started out in 1976 with RCBS equipment, and it is good stuff. I have also used a Hornady press and dies. I now use Lee dies exclusively, I even replaced my RCBS and Hornady dies with Lee. I have Lee dies for: 22 Hornet, 223, 243, 25-20, 7.62 Nagant, 30-30, 308, 30-06, 32 ACP, 32-20, 8mm Mauser, 380, 9mm, 38, 44, 45 Colt, 45ACP, 43 Spanish and 45-70. The only problem I ever had was I cracked the 43 Spanish die (after breaking the handle on the old Hornady press) forming 348 Winchester cases. It turns out that Cartridges of the World was wrong, the solid base of the 348 is larger than the 43 Spanish. This was AFTER I had formed about 30 cases!
I just fired my first 223 handloads thru my new Savage, and got a 5 shot group smaller than a dime. I was pleased. The 43 Spanish die was 17.00 from Midway. RCBS was nearly 100.00. 43 Spanish cases are 33.00/20. Now you see why I was forming my own.
Mickey Rat
Citizen of Alabama
NRA Life Member