Thread: Last Weekend
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Old 09-21-2005, 12:47 PM
Kusko Kusko is offline
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bethel, AK
Posts: 297
Last Weekend

We had a slow Friday night due to a broken 1100. We tried to fix it for an hour to no avail. Saturday morning, we were back at it and pounded 3 limits in 2 hours. God I love it when the shooting is so good you can't keep enough shells in your gun. On Sunday we only hunted for an hour and got 6 ducks. We did end up with a swan on Friday night and one on Saturday.

My highlight for the weekend was getting a mallard. I know most of you are thinking...... a mallard?, but you have to understand, we only shoot one or two an entire season. In years past, we have went an entire season w/o getting one.
"Take your kid hunting so you don't have to go hunting for your kid"
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