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Old 10-01-2005, 10:16 AM
DarryH DarryH is offline
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 32

I have a .25 caliber Kodiak. It is about 5 years old now, and still shooting strong!! The workmanship is fantastic.
I have never scoped mine. At 52 yards, from a bench, I have been shooting 12 gauge shotshell hulls. I hit 50% or better.
I once took a shot at a squirrel who was facing upwards on the side of a tree. I took a heart shot from about 30-35 yards.
It actually peeled him off the tree and knocked him to the ground.
The Kodiak pellet just missed the heart, but took out both lungs.
Complete penetration of course.
Dave Slade of Airgunwerks saaid I could increase the power of the .25 buy converting it to a gasram. I will never do it.
It is already powerful enough. Rams ore more expensive to maintain, and I feel they are harder to cock.
The Kodiak is not easy to cock, but I have no problem doing it a couple hundred shots at a time.
This is one of the last two spring airguns I would part with.
The other is a Beeman Supertuned R9 Gold Trigger Combo in .20 caliber. That gun is also instant death on tree rats out to about 35 yards.
Good Shootin!!
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