Thread: swift scciroco
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Old 10-07-2005, 10:30 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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ok boys we need to stop this fzcotry ammo mumbo jumbo right now.

i have no clue what CT is. but i have guess only because i know alittle about bullets.

my guess is that the CT is nothing more than a nosler balistic tip loaded from winchesters ammunition plant with a black coating of whatever miracle formula.

i happen to know that the combined technoligies bullet is just nosler bt with a hyped up name.

i also know i like how nolser bts perfrom and ar what i load in my 2506 for deer hunnting aswell as my 270.

though mine arent coated so they may not be as good.

i also have had mixed bag of results on bigame with partitions and the 270.

i find no reason to use them when remington loads theyre core lockts and i load bts.

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