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Old 10-12-2005, 09:37 PM
SShepherd SShepherd is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Michigan
Posts: 13
Originally posted by gregarat
I like CPMs30v, or VG-10 myself.

For the most part each type has its benefits and drawbacks. Usually the harder the steel, the more it holds an edge, but drawbacks will be with it more susceptible to rust (cause of the higher amount of iron), and harder to sharpen.
Actually, all steel corrodes, it's the addition of chromium that makes it "stainless". s30v is a chromium rich steel. (14%) and has corrosion resistance greater than 440c and 154cm.
I'm thinking that by you saying "harder the steel" you mean more difficult to sharpen, which is true especially with the addition of vanadium.

lmarriott..I'm not sure what you mean by,"i bet it is not ATS34/154CM either." I was expressing my preference for steel-- trying to answer the origional posters question.

I've herd from people that the older puma knives cut very well, but have gone down in quality of the past 20 years. I'm not sure what steel yours is, but they list haveing a "special D1.4 cutlery steel" which is basically the german equivelent of 440A--with proper heat treating is a fine steel.
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