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Old 10-16-2005, 12:50 PM
SShepherd SShepherd is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Michigan
Posts: 13
Re: ATS34/154CM.

Originally posted by jmarriott
sorry that kind sounded a bit harsh. I was just stating that my garndfathers old puma knife holds a fine edge without being the lastest type of steel and that it does not take the newest craze in the industry to hold an edge.

It may not be 70 years old but it is close.
if you read the origional posters criteria for the knife:
What I want is a blade that will hold an edge, can be sharpened when needed (i'm pretty good at sharpening knives) and not rust
That was the question I was trying to help with.
Yes, non stainless steels are very good knives, but again, do not fit into the question at hand.
ATS34/154CM has been in the cutlery industry approx. 30 some odd years.....I would hardly put that in the category of " a new craze"
I find it part of my job as a custom knifemaker, to keep myself somewhat educated on the latest and most up to date info concering the industry. There are alot of very neat things happening in the cutlery steel industry, and it's getting more and more difficult for a consumer to sift through all of the information and come up with an answer.

Feathermax, I hope I helped you somewhat with your question.

Sean Shepherd
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