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Old 10-17-2005, 04:12 PM
SShepherd SShepherd is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Michigan
Posts: 13, you want something to think about for a while..this material has been around for a number of's the ultimate in anti corrosion properties"

it's called "'s a short cut and paste;

"Talonite® is a Cobalt -Chromium alloy. When it is made the Chromium and Molybdenum combine chemically with the carbon to form Chromium carbide and Molybdenum carbide. The cobalt forms a soft and strong matrix that holds the carbide grains in place. This means that a Rockwell or other hardness tests will test the matrix and give relatively low readings however the hardness and wear resistance is in the carbide particles.

If tool steel stays sharp for 6 - 8 hours then Talonite ® will retain an edge for 12 - 14 days."
"Talonite® is an alloy that is primarily cobalt and chrome with only a very small percent of iron in it. It is not steel "
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