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Old 10-28-2005, 06:43 AM
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petey petey is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: "Pitch Pine", PA
Posts: 65,793
So far here's my stats for the year

Bow: Hunted 1 full day and 2 half days. Had 7 legal bucks in range, 11 does. Killed 1 doe & hung the bow up until first of November when the hunting gets good.

Early Muzzleloader: Hunted half day & saw 5 deer. I shot 1 doe (doe only season)

Deer Total: 3 days of hunting , 2 does.

I still have 2 more doe tags and 1 buck tag, so I'll probably be kind of picky with the buck. (Like I haven't already with 7 legal bucks in bow range?)

Coon Hunting: 2 nights; 1st night we tree'd 3 coons, all ran into hallow pines. Picked up and went to the hardwoods. Both dogs got into a purcupine and we spent the next 2 hrs pulling quills!! Thank god for that Huntchat Multi-tool! haha

2nd night, tree'd 3, killed 2. 3rd was too small. Not too bad for as many leaves on the trees and only hunting a couple hrs.

I didn't hunt the early goose, and haven't tried my hand at any upland game yet. All in all, I haven't been out that much..but the freezer is full already.

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