is reloading for a ar 223 a problem as far as reliable feeding???
As far as any AR type rifle feeding can be a little tricky at times. They get better with use but the guy's that were in the service with them will still double bang the slide knob to make sure the round loaded.
I know many colts that are terrible on denting cases while ejecting cartiridges. two little dents on the ejected cases. Many use the nato 5.56 instead of .223's and they never reload just buy the nato ammo. It is more accurtate for them than .223 ammo. Heavy bullet for the shorter barrels i believe.
Your Bushy might be a bit different with the heavy long barrel than these colt mil-spec varities. I bet it still dents the cases of the shell a bit. After they are dented and if you don't fix them i bet they could cause a jam. Using reloads in an AR is normally not a problem, But reusing those cases for reloading often might be a problem. Someone with a lot more expenance in reloading than I might be able to help out more.
P.S. I am looking at the Stainless varminter myself while you can still get all the goodies. I would say I would get one soon but I think I will just stay with the .222 Model 700 this winter. I got the hots for a browning buckmark rifle and the brownng is overpriced for a 22 rifle built on a pistol frame, But i know it will still end up in the safe.
I don't know but I've been told it's hard to swim with the weight of gold. On the other hand I have heard it said it's just as hard with the weight of lead.