Hi, my name is Dan Shaw. Nice forum you got going on here.
anyhow a little about me:
I am from SE Iowa, and live rock throwing distance from the Mississippi river in the bottoms. I am more of a trapper then a hunter, even though I still try to get a few critters every now and then. My favorite animal to trap is coyote (see my sig), favorite animal to hunt is the wild turkey. I have no hunting pics, but a few trapping pics I am willing to share. I am 28 yrs old, been married for 7 LONG years (just joking about the long part), and have 3 children. Two boys (ages 7 and 5) and one little girl (2.5 yrs old). I recently got recalled to the Army (back door draft, served my time, then got recalled) and was injured (note, not wounded, injured stateside). I am currently on a program called CBCHO, which allows me to get surgery and recover from home. What after that, I dont know. They may release me, or send me to Iraq.
Before being recalled, I ran my own trapping business
Big River ADC So, clicking on the link will let you see what I still want to live and breathe.
I am a staff member for a program called Traps4kids and love it. They are my second family. I have been with T4K since they opened up to help the kids.
I have 3 hunting dogs. One chocolate lab, a walker and black and tan. All are still pups. I use to raise and sell German Shorthair pointers, however I got back into trapping, and hunting less. The lab is basicly for the kids, and the few times I get out to scare some ducks. Havent gotten her out yet, as she still needs some work.
I also love to fish. The army pretty much put a stop on my fishing this summer, so my kids got to miss summer time fishing. I quit taking my wife fishing with me after the problem we had. I woke her up at 5am to go fishing with me, as she asked. She was running a jig off a wing dam (no boat just yet), and started yelling she cought something. I was about 100' away, and she told me it was a bass. Very low lighting so I had a hard time seeing the fish. I knew it was a biggen, but looked to skinny to be a bass, as she reached for it, I yelled at her to stop. I was right, it was a walleye. A 24 1/4" walleye. This was years ago, and We have only been out 2 times since then. Now she is getting into trapping, but if the trend continues, that will stop too
I bring a wealth of knowledgeto trapping to the table here, not much in the line of hunting and fishing, but enough to hold my own.
I hope to make some new freinds here.
Till I log back in, take care!