got a chance to get in the woods this morning...was only out for about 4 hrs. Seen 12 turkey so during getting close enough to get a shot, a bunny ran and stopped about 10' away, I let him go. Then 2 grouse walked past about the same distance but I kept thinking of the turkey so let them go too. By the time I got to where the turkey were, they had gone. So knowing where they headed, the hunt was on again. Now I stepped on a 6pt buck and a phesant. This time I took the ringneck and heard the turkey carry on so now I knew where they were. Hunt on again. I thought snakes were gone for the winter but I stepped over a log and got struck in the leg with a copperhead. Sure glad for the canvas pants and the rubber swamp boots...took care of him too..Back to the turkey, they kept walking around the hill and I couldn't catch up to them before I had to leave the woods. Woods dry and loud so couldn't move very fast..but tomorrow is another day.....anyhow, haven't small game hunted in years since my beagle got shot and it felt good to get out there..just a report of the day...oh well...