Well of COURSE I have old reloading manuals. From Hodgdon Manual #23 (1977):
HS5 is an excellent spherical powder for 1- 1/4 oz field loads in 12 ga, 1 oz and 1-1/8 oz loads in the 16 ga and 7/8 and 1 oz loads in the 20 ga. It is also adaptable to mid-range pistol loads.
I have loads listed for 45 ACP and also some shotgun loads (if you can match the compinents, but that won't be easy).
One example in 45 ACP with 230 jacketed bullets is 6.4 - 6.8 grs for 760 to 812 fps.
You can also use any data you find for the old WW 473. It's EXACTLY the same as HS-5.