Old Powders and old reloaders
Well Duh!! You would think I would be able to remember the correlation with the Winchester powders etc Hs 5 -473...HS 6- 540, HS 7- 571,. H110-296 Good grief I am dense sometimes. oh...and HP38-231 Win..I happen to have 14 lbs of 231. I have also just picked up one of Rugers fine little 77 22 SS HB Hornet rifles. I want to be able to play around with this one a bit. Haven't messed with the hornet in quite a while. I wish Ruger would chamber the 77-22 in 218 Bee. What a caliberl!! Thanks Rocky. Jogging what little bit of memory I have left is a real chore
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin