China’s Junk getting into my hunting shooting stuff “I think NOT” !
So this is MY RANT;
I go into Sportsman’s Warehouse, I really need a new “do everything jacket” for kicking around, hunting, hiking, and ATV riding in cold weather. I always had to be 3rd+ on the list due to raising kids, they are all grown now and I am #1 ( the wife said I could say that) . I am going to buy ME something I want, something quality for once. I see these jackets “Browning” they look good and MADE BY BROWNING ! This is it , something quality for me !,,, Ouch !,,,, $300 + but I deserve it and have never had anything worth a sh-t for 30 years.
On the way to the cash register I find the small hidden tag “Made In CHINA” ,,,,,back to the rack it went !
$300+ Browning jacket made in China. I don’t give my money to a communist country!
I will not give Browning $300+ for something they paid $3.50 for . I think stores that serve us red-neck types should be required to CLEARLY MARK the country or origin. Country of origin is just as important to me as Brand. A $300 Browning jacket made in China is fraud.

Shame on you Browning !

Shame on you Sportsman’s Warehouse !