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Old 11-05-2005, 12:30 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Mtn Home Idaho
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ive got two 224 cals so i think ive got the 40gr bullets coverd.

what i think your telling me is i need to jump to a 17 to use a longer bullet. i dont the the 20cal makn a hole lot of difrince in bullet length

a 17 pushn 30s at 3200 think of the recoil reduced sound reduced muzzle blast. think of the rifle they come in, a remington light varmiter, i dont think you could get a better package.


now that i think about id rather have 224 cal do the 3200-3500 stuff. why not push 50 or 55s that fast and not have to all the extra bullets and powder cluttering up my reloading bench.

i think i just did a 180 there.


that little bit of enthusiasm for light moderate speed bullets didnt last long i can do what i want to with either a 22/250 or 220 without getting a hole nother rifle chamberd in another varmit caliber.
id rather spend my time and money playing with 6mm i can use everywhere.

Last edited by Evan03; 11-05-2005 at 02:22 PM.
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