I went that route before..buy only US made items. It is hard as the flames below to get anything anywhere made here at home. Americans just don't want to work anymore..As stated, if you have a good bank account you can do so but what got me thinking was when I had to work on my vehicles aaalll the time and had the Q...uality in back of mind all the time when on a trip and the wire coat hanger/duct tape in tool box while a friend of mine put over 200,000 miles on a honda with not much more than tires/brakes etc..I spent way bigger $$ for my US made item not to mention parts. Same went with clothes. I don't think I own a US made item that don't have a patch over it somewhere or sewn stitches over factory ones. I want to buy US items but and I know we have to make big $ during the work day to buy a loaf of bread for the family or pay utility bills but I also think most of the problem is ATTITUDE at the work place. Example: 3 month old Ford truck..hormonic balancer fell off because the factory worker 'forgot' to install one bolt and left another one 1/2 way out..This was found out while on hunting trip and I lay in snow changing it along the road..We are getting poor quality items made by the I just don't give a da&* attitude. Just give me my big paycheck so I can call off tomorrow after a good drunk..I just installed a new mailbox post ..made in America and had to tap one of the 3 holes because someone didn't want to take the time to make quality items...So what are we to do?..Even back in the 50's when we played the radio with our honey somewhere...was the radio made in America?..Didn't make such an item here then..but I bet it was used...Japan..why didn't we make radios here at home?..did we do without?..bet not...bet even those that won't pay an affordable price for a quality made warm jacket listens to a radio...think of this made in america next time your tv is turned on......was it made here?..Sony (and who owns Sony?) has a company here in W.Pa and has a hard time with employee attitude...even though they brought the buss here and put to work lots of people at not only the plant but those that make support items for them..They threaten to move back home..Don't anyone get me wrong here because I still support American jobs and buy American if can...but we let our government get too distant in Government/citizens representation that it only boils down now to 'hurray for me and f&&& you. Just fatten my pocket' attitude that most Americans are just giving up, shopping at the wally worlds and moving on ...Is time we vote out each and every elected official in office from the local to the big guy and get people in there that want to WORK for the American people again...Whew...can go on and on but space is issue and I took too much as it is..I still Love America...Still buy American when I can.