Skeeter said, "Just fatten my pocket' attitude that most Americans are just giving up, shopping at the wally worlds and moving on ...Is time we vote out each and every elected official in office from the local to the big guy and get people in there that want to WORK for the American people again...Whew...can go on and on but space is issue and I took too much as it is..I still Love America...Still buy American when I can."
The first thing you have to look at Skeeter is we have the best government BIG BUSINESS can buy. The second thing is, I don't care how honest you are, but if you were to run for an office that counts, BIG BUSINESS would have you bought and paid for even before you were sworn in. If you can't be bought, they'll find somd dirt and get you run out of office.
I know that's an awfully negative outlook, but that's the way I see it.
A favorite quotation of mine was said by Adolph Hitler of all people. The fact that he was a moster is irrelevant. He said, "What good fortune for government that the people do not think."
I think the Republicans have shot themselves in the arse. Slick Willie, in an interview in Europe literally said that Hillary was going to run in 08. You know something? I think she'll win. Not only that, but most likely any Republicans that have to run on 06 and 08 are going to be on the unemployment line. Scary time ahead is what I see.
Paul B.