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Old 11-07-2005, 03:43 PM
Lone Star Lone Star is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Texas
Posts: 84
The .300 and .375 H&H Magnums were not designed for break open actions, but for bolt actions. Special rimmed case variants were designed and used for the former weaker actions. The belt supplied the required positive headspacing in bolt guns.

American manufacturers no longer use a belt on magnum cases - it is indeed superflous. Note the plethora of recent beltless magnums like the WSMs, WSSM, RUMs, ad nauseum.

The author does not state that anealing is not needed. He even recommends an alternate method to avoid oversoftening the case. Where did the poster find this comment?

Why does the author have to plug Lee products? Perhaps he has little experience with them. Is the article any less valuable because the author didn't plug the poster's favorite brands?

I found the article a very good introduction to accuracy reloading for the intermediate reloader. It does not state that you have to do benchrest case preparation to get good accuracy. He's right of course, you don't.

Rocky hit the nail on the head about an author's opinions. I was never shy in writing about my opinions, and I've sometimes had to defend them decades after they were published. What Rocky did not say was that in some instances the magazine editor will change what the writer submitted to suit his own opinions. Then the writer has to live with the editor's words which are forever believed to be his own......
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