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Old 11-08-2005, 07:23 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Eastern England
Posts: 550
Hi All,

Despite that the Rimless Belted Nitro Express cartridges were designed with the Mauser Bolt action in mind, at that time the Farquerson, swinburn Martini and the Soper single shot rifles were popular and highly thought of, however thay did not extract the rimless cases very well so the belt helped. Also the reason for the long large capacity cases was to allow enough room for the strands of Cordite powder but keep pressures within tolerable limits in the tropical heat of the Colonies.

The belt I believe also helped with strengthening the case at it's weakest point as I think you will find during development that they suffered case failures at the junction of te case web and wall. The belt making this point thicker helped stop this problem.

As for the new super dooper magnums I cannot comment as I have not knowledge of them and seriously doubt I will ever have much if any knowledge of them having no need for, nor interest in them what so ever

Hmm I never said that the author has to plug the Lee products nor did I say that he should not plug Blount products

Out of interest one of the reasons I like Lee products is that Lee Precision will deal direct with us Folks from outside the US when a lot of others will not due to the stupidity of the Patriot Act At least Lee are willing to get the required export permit whilst others cannot be bothered. Just how restricting the sale of sporting reloading products, stocks and even semi-finished or inletted stocks is going to reduce the terrorist threat is beyond my comprehension

Reloading is I suppose the closest thing to black magic in the way it works, after all the same recipe and seating depth of bullets do not work out the same in different rifles.

Which reminds me I must see about trying the set up an account at Midway .
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