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Old 11-09-2005, 11:21 AM
DaMadman DaMadman is offline
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OK Guys help me out here.. what would you do

I am faced with a minor delima.....

I bought that CZ-52 awhile back and like it a lot.

The Ammo seems to be out there for it but not too much around where I live at the local gun shops or sporting goods places, they just do not carry it except for 1 place that wants $14 a box of 70 for corrosive mil-surp junk.

anyway there is a gunshow coming up and I can normally find as much of the 7.62 x 25 ammo as I can carry at that show. Even a couple dealers that sell it in hollow point (which I will be buying as muchas he has at the upcoming show)

Anyway the last time I bought mil-surp stuff at the show I got corrosive, cracked brass and it was essentially worthless. Luckily I bought some S&B and another box of current production ammo also.

OK so here's my delima

The show isn't for two more weeks, Right now I found a place online that is selling 1980's vintage mil-surp ammo (which is not supposed to be corrosive) pretty darn cheap. I can get a little over a 1000 rounds for around $100. Which would last me practically forever, considering I will also be purchasing the hollow point ammo at the show.

Anyway should I wait until the show and take the chance that they have some decent mil-surp stuff and maybe some decent priced S&B ammo, and hold off on the oline ammo. Or should I buy the ammo from the online place, hope that it is decent stuff, and just wait until the show to buy the hollowpoint ammo.

The risk I am running here is if I wait until the show and they do not have anthing decent the website that I could order from now may be out of what they have. On the other hand if I wait until the show I can at least look at the ammo and see what it looks like before I buy it, If they have any....

I like the motto buy it cheap and stack it deep, when it comes to mil-surp ammo,

the other issue is I have never purchased ammo online and there is always that first time jotters about, will it get delivered ok, I am 99% sure the company is a good company and they have been around forever.

So do I buy now online or wait until the show and hope I can get it there or hope if they don't have any at the show that the online company still has stock
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