ive changed my criteria alittle. why have a caliber pushn a 30 at 3800 when youve got to cals doing it with ease useing 55gr bullets. and spankn the 204 pushn 45s and 40s. and 50s not quite breakn in to the 32gr vmax speeds
im thinkn it would be cool to slow 55s down to 3000-3500 load up some loads figure out in the velocity range what load is most acurate and go with it.
i think anything smaller than 224 just wasnt meant for me. for me the 20cals just arent near as versitile. and if i want ill shot 40-45gr bullets at or beyond 204 speeds with alittle better wind drift fighting capabilities.
yeah at the exspence of burning alittle more powder and possibly not quite as long of barrel life.
ive tried the 204 had one for maybe 6 months maybe alittle longer. didnt impress me as much as the 22/250 that was sitn alongside it in my closet