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Old 11-18-2005, 06:53 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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isnt this all about compareing apple to oranges melons to a difrent kind of melon if you get my drift.

the 204 and 22/250 are both a difrent breed of animal, but both do the same job. its us to us to decide wich is best for us.

i wasnt necesarly throwing comparisons out there for you and me but to others looking into the calibers and trying to decide what they want out of caliber.

as strickly small game varmit rifle the 204 is hands down one of the best specialized calibers out there.

but if your looking for something that is allittle more versitile there are many better options both the 223 and 22/250 included.

i do think the 204 would be cool in light weight shorter barreld lower power varmit rig for a winter time coyote getting rabbit blasting rifle. this rifle would even fit the bill shooting rock chucks at 300yds and further after hikeing into cayon full of the critters.

ill also add from exsperince i know that its a dandy 400yd jack rabbit shooter. fast flat and recoil is next to none. flops em over dead sometimes with no exit other times it blows the heart and guts right out of them.

but the 224s i have are just flat can be just as fast and are capable to use on larger game like antelope and small deer.

that is number one for me. i like to know with the right bullets placed in the right spot i can take deer as large as our game with every rifle i own. theres where the 204 doesnt make the cut. i dont know of any 20cal bullets id want to shoot a deer with. im sure there might be a tough 20cal bullet but as of right now i dont know of any.

there was time i thought the 204 was the coolest thing on the planet. had #1vt in 204 on order and payed for, for almost six months. at about six months i changed my order to 22/250.

but as luck would have it i regreted not giving the 204 a go. ended up getting one to go with the 22/250 . but its coolness kinda wore off and i got rid of it.

but thats just me. i for some reason kinda keep aquireing 224 call rifles here and there.

i may end up with a 204 again someday but itl be wim kinda thing or because i get the rifle at super deal.

anyways enough about that.

im curious how yours is set up what kinda critters have you been shooting are you reloading. i wont even ask about the how it shoots ive seen first hadn the little groups they can print. and most all seem to it on regular basis no matter what rifle and barrel desing theyre chamberd in.

i also apoligize if youve taken me the wrong way im in no means bashing the caliber.

im just compareing melons to melons and boy to i like melons

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