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Old 11-23-2005, 10:47 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Scent Lok Clothing

I was at Dick's today picking up some ammo and saw that they were having a sale on hunting clothing. I checked everything out and was interested in a 4 in 1 parka and bibs with a particular camo pattern, but they didn't have my size.

So, I continued looking around and ran into some Scent Lok and Un Scent clothing. The stuff was marked down from $120 per item to $60 per item. I almost bit the bullet and spent the money $120 for the entire system. However, the shirt had a tag on it with a scratch and sniff underneath some of the scent lok material. It read "Scratch the dot underneath, cover it with the Scent Lok material, and see how well it works." I tried it out and I could still smell the scratch and sniff scent, albeit a lot more faintly. Then I thought that maybe the scent I was smelling was on my thumb so I scratched it again and held the material down with my left hand. I could still smell the scratch and sniff scent. I am not too convinced that this Scent Lok or Un Scent stuff works. If I can smell that scent through the fabric, I am sure that a deer could too, especially if I have been on stand for several hours.

With all the gimmicks out there, I am very leery about buying things.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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