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Old 11-25-2005, 08:59 PM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Posts: 299
I've shot lots of deer doing "stupid" things. I think they get distracted just like humans, and don't pay enough attention to that nose at times. Just think about how distracted bucks get when they are thinking about sex. Dumb as any human adolescent!

Deer have incredible senses of smell and hearing, but they have social lives too, and between distractions and just making mistakes, we hunters can often connect in spite of our inferior senses.

We must also remember, that our sense of sight would be as astonishing to deer as their sense of smell is to us. "What??? You can see colors???"

If we hunt in ways that maximize our sight advantage, we can sometimes overcome their hearing, smell, and speed. Sometimes we can use our brains to deliberately manage our scent "shadow" to avoid being detected. And sometimes we get lucky and they are just not paying proper attention, or are, as you suggested, just too familiar and bored with another human scent.

I don't think a "scentlock" suit will help much, however, except to put money in someone's pocket.
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