Hi There,
Thankyou for your comments but I think I had better explain a little more. Here in the UK it's a total different ball game to in the US and although I really like the idea of better performance in expansion I cannot use bullets which are "Designed" to expand due to the stupid laws here, at least in 6mm that is
Fox pelts are not sold the Foxing would be for vermin control nothing else so the deader the quicker the better. If you wnat to see pelt damage try shoting a fox at about 65 yards with a .303 using a 180 grn SP bullet, the Winchester 150 grn HP bullet in the 30-30 load is very destructive as well

Initially I want to get reliable accurate performance and get better at shooting small groups at longer distances before I try it on live game.
I prefer Hornady bullets when I can get them but not every place stocks them. Now it looks like I will have to order everything as the gunshops around here are pretty useless for this sort of thing. Recently moved and I miss my old shops where I could get what I wanted even if I had to ask them to get them in for me.

This is a new departure for me

the smallest calibre I had before was the 6.5mm in 6.5x55 and 6.5x54MS then I picked up this as it was a steal at $170 US so now the hunt is on.
Yesterday envening I sized the new R.P brass then trimmed it to 2.220" I have now sorted the cases to within =/- 1% of the average case weight and just now I am debating whether to deburr the flash holes. Primers will be Rem 9 1/2 and powder will most likely be either BLC-2 or Rel 19 I also have some varget and Rel 15 but have several tubs of both the 19 and BLC-2 and wiht powder costing about $57 US per 1lb tub here I would rather use what I have on hand if I can get a good accurate load with it that is.
Later I am going to try to get it on my licence for Fox and Deer but for now it's target only

. Yes you don't know just how lucky you are.